Healing Voice

Inspiring Narratives to heal Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression

In this program we find authentic voices and frame negative emotions with uplifting music. The atmosphere is safe and friendly, full of encouragement, and guided by a teacher who has worked with thousands of non-singers addressing vocal blocks and issues of shame and critical self-judgment.

When failure is off the table, we become open to be seen and validated for who we truly are. Easy to follow exercises and positive lyrics integrate and reframe our past experiences into a story of triumph and release. With our new ā€œsongā€ our authentic inner narratives lead the way into self-acceptance, freedom, and healing. Itā€™s a unique methodology for exciting group-work, full of vocal and personal breakthroughs.

The Healing Voice approach has been vetted by mental health clinicians across the country. We work with your team at your facility to craft a unique and transformative experience that complements existing therapies and traditional recovery programming. Sessions range from 90 minutes to a half-day, and can accommodate 8 to 16 participants.

“Claude Stein’s seminars are transformational and healing in ways that most therapists take months and years to achieve. His work is powered by strong technique, humor, a gentle heart and deep affection for participants. He is one of the most effective and talented facilitators I have ever worked with.”
-Linda Belans, EdD.
Director, Health Arts Network
Duke University Medical Center

“Claude’s teaching style was personal and artful, whether he was teaching the group as a whole or working with individuals. He offered the ceaseless array of spontaneous exercises and on-the-mark commentary that come only with the wisdom of experience. With the skill of a masterful gestalt therapist he engaged each participant in exploring vulnerabilities, blocks and unltimately personal strengths through their songs clarifying the personal psychological issues which inhibit self-expression.”
-Mary Francis Sink, Ph.D.

“Although he does not use traditional CBT jargon, Claude intuitively addresses past conflicts and emotional resistance using Moreno’s psychodrama, Perl’s role play, Erickson’s paradox, and Shorr’s visualization methods. He is a flowing and creative artist who facilitates each person’s experience of emotional and cathartic release in a relaxed and open context.”
-Kenneth Langlieb, Ph.D.

“I was thoroughly impressed with the techniques you provided in breaking through the normal barriers to our patients with their significant levels of anxiety and fear. The feedback from my patients was extraordinary. Futhermore, our staff who participated in your program were convinced of the effectiveness of your techniques and your talent.”
-Thomas L. Toth, M.D.
Director, VincentĀ In Vitro Fertilization Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital

“I want to formally thank you for your inspiring workshop with the music therapy interns last Thursday.Ā  I hope that this was only the beginning of our affiliation for I feel that this type of creative approach is vital for music therapists, both students and professionals. Please get in touch with me so we can make arrangements for your next visit.”
-Alan Turry, ACMT-BC
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist

This Program Is For:

Anyone who is interested in post traumatic growth, and those who are looking to reclaim their voice to take control of their personal narrative. No musical skill is needed, just an open and willing heart and mind.